Edible Spoons – The Perfect Appetizer Holder

A new trend in the food world is the use of edible spoons for appetizers or small bites. They are the perfect vehicle for that small perfect bite. They are usually available in 2 or 3 sizes and come in several unique flavors to enhance the appeal of your small bite item.
Edible Spoons - The Perfect Appetizer Holder
Your options are limitless when it comes to how to use these spoons. From cool Asian slaw to braized beef rib with garlic mashed potatoes to hot fudge sundae on a chocolate spoon. Almost anything!!
Edible Spoons
It is also very fun to set up make your own spoon appetizers at your next dinner party. We have done it several times and even had a judging contest afterward for who made the best spoon bite.
If this wasn’t already cool enough, you can also get these edibles in different shapes like cones or rosette cups taco shells etc
To find more info about edible spoons go to  https://www.ediblesbyjack.com/home  (we use these)
Happy eating!!!

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