The Benefits to Dry Storage When Renting Commercial Kitchen Space
Any great chef knows that the first and most important step in crafting an outstanding dish is ensuring that each and every ingredient is of the highest quality available. This doesn’t just apply to fruits, vegetables, meats, and other highly perishable foods. Of course a good cook naturally relishes in that daily trip to the market, hand-selecting the brightest bell pepper, the freshest cut of salmon, the avocado with the perfect texture. How easy it is, however, to neglect the proper care of those behind-the-scenes players in a meal – the spices, oils, fragrances, flour, and many other seminal building blocks of a truly vibrant dish.
Indeed, great care and consideration must be taken in the proper storage of those indispensable ingredients with longer shelf lives. The term “non-perishable” itself can bring with it a false sense of security at times – the feeling that nothing short of a magnitude 7 earthquake can damage these resilient culinary standbys. In fact, any combination of difficult-to-control factors such as temperature, humidity, light, and yes, even pests and rodents, can irreparably damage dry goods. The effects on the subsequent meal could be severe.
When you rent a commercial kitchen space at The Cookline however, you can be rest assured that the undeniable risks associated with long-term food storage will be a worry of the past. Our clients are provided with the use of a sizeable storage space, along with the option of renting a personal rolling rack, to guarantee the safest dry storage possible. In a temperature-controlled and humidity-regulated environment, in the perfect lighting, and free of any outside contamination, you can rest easy knowing that your dry goods are being kept as safely and securely as possible. Don’t hesitate to contact us today and let us play host to your own personal arsenal of lovingly-sourced, quality ingredients that will be the backbone of your next culinary masterpiece!